quiz time

whats the highest you got?

Hannah Montana Music Player

Hannah Montana - Disney Channel Australia

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Staff Required

Hey all, do you have photoshop skills? Basic to pro, any level of Photoshop or Gimp skills. If so then would like Ike to gain more skills and and show-off what you can do? By using photoshop to create art you are exercising you skills n gaining more skills, so if we wish to do this and show-off what you can make then email me - skwallpaper@outlook.com -
What you might be doing as Staff:
- putting your skills to work
- showing-off your skills
- gaining more skills
- making wallpapers and other sort of computer art/media
- learning new media skills (you'll find out what these skills are if you receive an acceptance email)
- learning out to use and mange forums (e.g vbulletin)
- become a part of the SK Team

Staff is needed for SK Wallpaper not HMW.
More details will be given later on.


Hannah Montana 3